


  • 分類:關(guān)于我們
  • 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2021-06-03 10:30:24
  • 訪問(wèn)量:0
  Chongqing Davos Food Co., Ltd. is located in Glen Changshou District of Chongqing City Health Industrial park. The company was founded in March 24, 2010, Davos Food Co., Ltd. is a sales and development of Integrated Company, the company has a land area of ten thousand square meters of standard workshop more than 10000 square meters.
  Davos Food Co., Ltd. is the predecessor of Chongqing Changshou District garden food factory, founded in 1992, mainly engaged in the production of candy cakes, 2002 a beverage industry, there have been more than ten years of experience in beverage industry. In June 2012, the first sterile brick water production line was put into the production line, and second sterile brick water production lines were put into the production line in November. Is the main dairy beverage popular in the dairy industry era, Davos food company with leading industry marketing mode and suitable marketing strategy, won the Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, a huge affirmation to consumers, the company's brand image more deeply.
  At present, the company will invest 50 million yuan to expand the factory production line with international advanced level. The first phase has now invested 22 million yuan to build new plants, storehouses and 4 production lines, which are now completed and formally produced. Second investment 16 million yuan construction. At present, the daily production volume is 120 tons and the annual output is 43800 tons. The annual output value is 168 million 192 thousand yuan. If the investment project is completed in an all-round way, it is expected that the daily production capacity is 320 tons, the annual output is 116800 tons, and the annual output value is 462 million 528 thousand yuan.
  Since its establishment, our company has been developing steadily, and now has more than 100 county and municipal dealers such as Chongqing, Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan. The market has gradually matured and received the support and recognition of the distributors. This will lay a solid foundation for future development. The company in a professional and dedicated attitude and real action service throughout every aspect of the pre-sale, sale, customer service service, excellent quality to let every consumer actually feel Davos.
  Since 2007, the company has obtained 3 registered trademark certificates, and has been awarded "leading enterprises" and "good faith demonstration enterprises (stores)" at the district level in successive years.
  The company is confident of developing the future market and developing some new fields. The company expects to build three sales teams, rely on the unique market management mode to standardize the market, and gradually penetrate all provinces and cities nationwide, and is expected to occupy the absolute leading position in the next three years with impressive sales performance.





地       址:重慶長(zhǎng)壽健康科技業(yè)基地



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